And with it the signs of autumn become more pronounced! We do not have a car, or means of getting out into the Eastern Townships to view the more spectacular change of colour of the majority of the trees here, but even the view from our balcony (above) is greatly beautified by the gold, red and yellow leaves. Last year proved rainy, and consequently rather devoid of colour as the leaves fell in one night, without turning appreciable shades of colour. This year is not disappointing so far, and the more obvious signs of autumn emphasise, for me, one of the main reasons I love living here.
Other signs, less manifest, but nonetheless unmistakeable, are appearing too. At various hours during the night, one can awaken and listen to the heartbreakingly wild sound of the geese skeining away overhead, heading for warmer climes. The smaller birds are notable by their absence. The mornings are fresh and crisp, making even normal respiration a joy! Summer here is great, but it is best experienced in small doses, especially when on has no air conditioning. Another sign of the approaching winter is in the activities of the humans we share our city with, and our own habits; today I emptied our storage cabin in the yard and stowed away our two air conditioners along with our summer camping gear and the boxes from all the kitchen and household products we have been purchasing recently. At the same time, I also brought indoors our Christmas tree and decorations; not for me to go and dig the cabin out of three feet of snow to retrieve said tree in a couple of months! Although I hate severe weather for the disruption it wreaks on the transport system, I do enjoy a real fall of snow, something I could not truly have said to have experienced last winter here! Using public transit is not very agreeable. but at least it saves buying a set of winter tyres, or defrosting a car each morning- worse still, having to dig a car out of a mountain of snow or move it at an insane hour of the day so as to avoid blocking the deneigement process! I particularly miss the freedom a car brings, the freedom to take a quick trip to the mountains in the weekend, or a short hop to the store for goods otherwise too bulky or heavy to transport by bike. I also dislike the buses for the frequent exchange of germs, and the lack of courtesy by certain people, which often staggers me. It would have been wonderful this past weekend, to load the camera and painting things in the car and take a trip to the amazing St Bruno or St Hilaire region before the leaves fall and the parks take on their drab winter look.
As far as other hobbies go, I am now equipped for painting and even have my first commission, although a charitable one. I will aim to complete it by deadline, as even donated works bring about an oeuvre for artists. Lack of materials, or money for materials, is the biggest worry, but I should be abiding by one of my parents’ rules, and “Do the best you can with the best you have”.
That may also include spending less time online, so without more ado, good night all, I hope to have more to say another time!
your autumn seems so perfect. Drowning and blowing away at the same time here...and more rain tomorrow